Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Long Does It Take For Metronidozole To Work

holidaymakers scipio (from maximum)

Friday, July 10, 2009

How To Do Card With Planters Facitus


The long Sunday, trays of fresh-pastarelle "mom just got more chocolate! - Lunches brought from the endless, the smell of sauce just opened the door, those from faint scents of noodles and then the kisses, hugs and boisterous greetings, and that always meet the same, always the same hopelessly, childhood and then the transformations of adolescence and then again ...
over how it is that mothers and fathers, brothers generate this race, it is not known.
a kind of brotherhood, but with a certain distance, greater objectivity, and then recognize that each one of its kind, as if each complete a puzzle, family, a card put there at the right place, that just as we wanted to complete the picture ...

that Sunday, I remember, Aunt Antoinette, a house that could contain microscopic ramshackle this band and we all came, football matches, the comments on TV, and were those interminable Sundays, once stretched endlessly, without time Sunday that the next day you had to go to school, but was in no hurry for it to end and in fact never ceased to be together and do nothing, if not a lot of noise, that one wonders what we screamed, we shouted to who and why then, in those few square feet, it was impossible not to feel ... We
cousins \u200b\u200bwere there, surrounded by the reassuring family kinship and even now, after years in which a married twice, the other has given birth to a swarm of children, the other party and made his fortune elsewhere, those who hold fast to its freedom, those who put scene in his dreams, here we are always the same, despite all the possible metamorphosis, forever young, years later, you see that nothing has changed, the "cousin" has remained there, untouched, has not been tarnished by time, work and sons, it was not consumed, a kind of timelessness that surrounds it beyond the pain of losses, the struggles that everyone goes in his life, always brings us back to that beginning when we were unconscious, and were innocent of life, or boldly confident that life was just that stay together in birthday cakes, pastries, trays filled with cups of coffee and comments on the derby ... Animated .. perhaps we have shared those Sundays marked indelibly imprinted that we share in the shock of parents and grandparents so crazy that maybe they are the real architects of this "cousin", perhaps they need a never-ending love that connects the innocence to disillusionment, their children to ours, in an ancestral plot, a story not to be missed.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Is The Old School Motorbike Tires

The transcripts of the national

The transcripts of the national

Emanuelle Only one goal of the companion, or rather ex-partner Magnani, violates his door. The new pink jersey's has helped. Safe, reliable. Too bad for the disagreement with O'Strunzo ... GATE

Chiussi Meta championship tower defense, half to seal the door. In both roles, a bulwark. In the final third of the flies to save the result ... TITANIUM

MAGNANI is proposed that both right-back by the middle right. In the fourth game is still there, to anticipate them all. Now chew the area of \u200b\u200bpure mystery. Even if the caves ... Leaguers

CRAMPONS FR . In the land of red up a little too much to drink, not only in wine. Its season lasts two games, but it shows that behind, he does not take goals (by opponents) ... BASTION

CRAMPONS FI . Dispute all matches, first in the median, then the third line. Jaw in the final for 3rd place with a clever free-kick. Knows how to move, especially in Chianciano by night ... belle

BASIN Inexhaustible out along the left side. An improvement in defense, despite some excesses. Now fixed point of the Maginot rossoblù ... PLUNGER

GANDOLFI D. finds herself, almost 40 years, the most important national festival. He answers a protagonist, giving two epic performances from quarterback ... PULP CAPTAIN

GANDOLFI G. against the Caves offers his best performance since he wears the rossoblù camiseta. Interditore and metronome. The median is his feud ... Captain Future

CAMINATA is a growing boy, and is being completed. In midfield, he sacrifices himself to leave his mark. The external finishing is Goofy stuff tastes fine ... WEDDING

BUTTERI Corona a wonderful year, raising the national cup. None hit the crease. Pure breed scipionese. In the end there is still a buck between opponents in disbelief ... Indomitable

SIRELLI M. the second goal against Pistoia page is from the book "Heart." Throw the crutch over the obstacle and score a goal most moving story of twenty years Di Scipio ... STOICA

BRAGLIA Standing ovation for his performance against the Tuscans. Extraordinary. Pure class. Create two goals from nothing. The best player since the national ... ECCELSA

SIRELLI C . to 43 years old, you take away the satisfaction of being the captain in the epic challenge of Moiano, against Pistoia. The heart gives the forces that the muscles no longer have ... Undying

BERTI The 4th man can not take away the satisfaction of achieving the goal that the mata Caves. Suffers and rejoices in from outside. This tells us that it has already become one of us ... ACQUITTED

UBALDI, sparrow, BONATI have still wanted to be there. Also pointed to their chest this bronze medal. Good friends, good players even before that. THANKS

SIRELLI PAUL took us to get up a lot of business, separate from the bottles. PRECIOUS

BEPPE What a wonderful discovery. I do not know, I was astonished. He has a tireless passion for us. With that physical sin is not able to touch the pelota ... Rossoblu HEART '

Mister PARIZZI We owe much to him. He took us to unimaginable levels. His speech before the game against the Tuscans is was moving. We read in our hearts ... SOLE

TOMMY, DOG, BARO, RONCO, ERMES, STE, Gigio, Topo, AWARD To all the family rossoblù, we may lift this cup for you. We fought until the end for you ... ALWAYS SCIPIOOOOO

Paola and all the wives-cha hope you begin to understand. After 1, 5 10, 20 years we are still here to move us to these colors, we love deeply. And who will defend every field ...

Ps: I join my congratulations and thanks to the scorecard I'm just adding a big applause to our historical CAPO ULTRAS who followed us up dragging in Tuscany with it 'even his family by ANDREA