Thursday, September 21, 2006

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For several years trying to find alternative energy sources and, in fact, they were put in place numerous. Solar energy is one of them and can be exploited is to be converted into thermal energy into electrical energy.
technology today to use thermal and / or solar electric energy achieved a really interesting application.
To know the market of solar thermal and PV, in order to explore issues related to technology, to be able to calculate how quickly you can repay the cost, to learn what it is and how you use your energy bill and clarify the regulations and laws that regulate it, Reed Business Information and LRA have organized in Padua, 25 September 2006, the conference:
"Installing the sun - Understand and implement, in accordance with the standards, solar thermal and photovoltaic .

The conference - sponsored by AET Italy, Rehau and Solar Systems and sponsored by Aper , Assistal, Confartigianto plants and Gifi - is made with the collaboration:

The speakers are:
Alessia Varalda, Reed Business Information
Gianluca Bertolino, GIFI
Carlo Zuccaro, Ener 3
Paolo Todesco, Italy AET
Davide Poli, University of Pisa
Claudio Raw, Rehau
Burello Arrigo, Solar Systems Ltd
Luca Sgarbossa, University of Padova
Francesco Groppi, Cesi Search
Jacob Arm, ENEA
Luca Rubini, ISES Italy - Università La Sapienza
Francesco Cariello, APER

For many questions came up during the conference is available this "blog" that will enable the organizers to process requests as efficiently as possible. To insert

a question or comment, click on "Comments" below.


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