I turn to the drafting of Italy in the mirror in relation to the episode on 04/09/2009. In this episode, the talented presenter had made a request to a priest asking, "Where was God in her during this earthquake?" And the priest found himself actually pretty embarrassed and his humble response was, "I really can not answer this question."
Not that I'm able to love, but I thought of mine ...
Meanwhile, we believe that only God is the God of men, and in reality God is God of Creation, the Cosmos, of all beings, the Earth and Heaven.
Nature responds to specific laws, that men often we disregard them, or, at best, do not take into account. I'd say we just forget that we ourselves are part of nature and that it has taken its course, so we consider "evil" something that is part of a natural process. The Earth lives, throbbing, is an organism that has its own history, its evolutionary process and we who live, alas, as guests on her, and yet we forget to thank, honor, consecration as a gift of God, we are simply impoverished, dirty, polluted and underestimate it.
I do not believe that God was there. I think we are all part of God, Man and Earth. He can not favor one at the expense of the other, but only to preside over what he created and which we, little men, like everything else we are subjected ... This is my little thought that surely can not explain why so many people and many children and elderly people have lost their lives and others do not .... but maybe it can bring everything to one area more "real." We often forget about the precariousness of our men and we are stronger when we have so many limitations ... Thank you for your attention
Senette Congratulations to Frank for his courteous and run across the drafting
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