Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Hair Care For Thin Frizzy Mens Hair

The piadopizza ... Whitefish

Hi all, here I am, I was in crisis tonight with dinner, I did not know what to cook .... then, I open the fridge, in front of me and I opened a package of tortillas I plea, saying "mangiaciiii! !".... ok, ok, good ..... but what you put into the refrigerator was not so provided, the expenditure was to be done ..... but I peeps mozzarella. Piadina and mozzarella, a little tasty mah .... x whet the appetite of my youngest daughter seems to get by air ke! Then I jumped an idea in mind ... a PIADOPIZZA !!!!!........ may not be news to anyone, but to me, and I must say ke successful YUPPIIIIIIIIIII: ) Here it is ready to be fired ...


Easy : Take flat bread, dress like a normal pizza .... tomatoes, salt, oregano, mozzarella, olives, olive oil .... or your imagination .... then bake at 180 degrees until it dora for good, I cook for I rested on a sheet of foil, parchment paper is also excellent ...... Good appetite!! Below is the result (sorry for the bad photos coming: ()

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rules Of Frustration Game

Lorenzo mechanical cycle of the past. From the book by Stephen

And then things happen that you do not expect. Today I received a message on FB by a bicycle mechanic who gives me support for whatever I need. This would certainly not me aspettato.Ecco the link to his shop. Thanks Lorenzo

As for your bike, I remain available to come to your home or place of work to do Repairs of all kinds. The price is indicated in the right column of the Blog

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ftv Mid Night Hot With Out Clouth

the Red Dragon! Risotto al radicchio

today is Friday ... a bit of tradition is not bad ... then fish!
and not always fall into the usual fish fillet I have thought long and proven ingredients sophisticated tze ... ... maybe I could have these qualities ... but the only thing I had were of the pots, the remains of the various Christmas dinner, I found that opening the refrigerator on his knees begging me to get them out ... and so I moved to pity, and nothing is coming off a recipe evil

sorry but with the amount I can not be precise

No 4 fillets of sea bream of about 200/300 gr (I think they may fit other types of fish fillets)
dried tomatoes, a teaspoon of pesto
some black olives (I had those)

put pine nuts to pour the dried tomatoes, blend together the olives pitted add fresh basil leaves, mix everything with the pesto.
clean the fish fillets on any pin, if you want to lightly salt the fish, spread with the mixture spread over the pine nuts red .. very little wine .... White ... ... formed a trickle of oil to 180 degrees for 20 or 25 min.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nordictrack Audiorideru300

By this time it is a middle ground between ... nor cold ... nor hot, I usually also affects the tragic thought ... What to cook? Something that you pull out of the grayness of winter ... but not too cool ... .. muble with vegetables, colors and flavors ... .. but also warmth and, above all, eat all FOUR! and then a flat evergreen ... well maybe a little on the purple rice with radicchio correction
I know it is not news ..... but neither is having to cook every day .. eehh!

Regarding the doses are indicative
Rice 350 gr diced bacon
, 100 gr 350 gr
half a glass of red wine broth

small shallot butter 30 g parmesan cheese to your taste

In a saucepan put three tablespoons of olive oil and saute the ExV scalogno.Poi add the bacon, and when it is browned, put all the radicchio, cut into strips. Once wilted, add the rice, toast a little, pour half a glass of red wine and continue cooking by adding the warm broth.
When cooked add salt and pepper, stir in the rice do with a little butter and parmesan.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bridal Dresses Talbots


Here are the two cakes I have done, for birthday daughter and husband are both with the sponge, but the first (the one with the candles) is soaked in coffee and cream topped with tiramisu, and between one layer and the other I put the chocolate chips. The second, soaked in orange juice and filled with cream ...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Images Of Male Brazilian Waxing


I propose a story taken from my book, "Way of the Municipal House No. 1" The Parachute

... is my Benotto, an old bicycle racing in flea markets you can find a little more than ten euro.
With a company so it is hard to feel lost. Most of the splendor achieved when the coupling travel bags on the luggage rack, a rear and two front sixty liters of twenty-five liters each, plus seventy-five liters a backpack for emergencies or for travel in which the bicycle Overall it would be: a trip to the mountains or appointment of love. A weight that varies from one hundred and twenty pounds to one hundred and forty pounds of obsolete mechanical, including passenger. Passion, love and determination launched downhill at forty miles an hour, in which a hole is not a distraction or advance may send you to the creator. It's a little 'how to throw down with an old Moto Guzzi without the motor. In
curve does not mess around.
One hundred and twenty, thirty, forty pounds, after a few meters begin to live its own life and if you're not careful where they want to lead them straight and wide curves ruinous. For fuck just a little less than a minute.
Fear? Always!
Fear and absolute control of the medium can give you moments of adrenaline thrill that brings you closer to the sense of omnipotence.
"Fuck what I can do this all wrong,"
And then go beyond, always a little further, to the ass of the bus (to avoid friction in the wake of the wind) to sit in the back of the saddle, chest bent forward parallel to the road with the tip resting on the navel and the nose of the saddle almost leaning on the handlebars of the pipette, aerodynamic position by virtue downhill. Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty and eighty miles an hour, always the butt of the bus. I take to widen the curve, braking decided to close the left, he takes the right lane.
The first has already flown, two, three, four seconds. I put the pace of change along 53/14.
"Fuck Stephen does not do is fucked up! Get out! "
are close to the front wheel of the bus, can not resist the temptation to shove his hand inside me to scroll the wheel on the fingertips with the grin of one who strokes his head to a child, and then on. One, two, three, four seconds in front of him.
"Fuck you and your eighteen-wheel tractor" A
overtaken by "Anonymous Cyclists", the insane and the funny part that survives in every true cyclists who once dreamed of racing and a professional career. I think it is so different from the jump with parachute from an airplane, but because I feel dizzy I touch the ass of the couriers and the utility of variously equipped.
of my parachute mechanic I wanted to know everything, every single ball, the bottom bracket, fork, hubs, and even the wheels of change. However
down I think I see the eighth ball of the front hub, which comprises the bearing which regulates the scroll wheel.
thought, when I face a descent. goes to the lining of the bearing, which two years ago I could not remedy. Every time I hear her cry and feel the vibrations just above the brake levers, on which I always supported the indices and inches.
"Come on, do the good, take me I send you all the way down and then retired. I swear that if you take me down without making jokes, you change all the bearings and fattening. " Promises to be a sailor! It goes on like this for two years. In this condition disappears
emergency, when you go down to seventy or eighty miles per hour, the emergency fades, there is no time for any emergency brakes you only need to check the entry in the corners or to control ' output is too large. When you're loaded like a mule and travel down to sixty, seventy miles an hour, to come without a helmet, the final two remain: arrived safely, or smash the bones at risk of life, the better a chair with wheels, for the rest of life.
Personally I prefer to die down for a fucking virus that I have ever seen, I prefer even the eighteen wheels of a truck on the rump without agony, without consciousness, and especially to survive without pain.
Indeed, now that I think I would not mind bring me my virus with all its fucking CD4 and viral load in tow, to see them in twenty feet of asphalt coated, in the URL of one stop burning.

The book is available in bookstores from May
As for your bike, I remain available to come to your home or at work to make repairs of any kind. The price is indicated in the right column of Blog

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Do Wrestling Kick Pads Feel Like

Cracker ...

Hello everyone, today a super quick and easy recipe:) I CRACKERS ...
INGREDIENTS: 100 g farina00, 100g of corn flour foil (the fine), 4 tablespoons oil, salt, water just enough to get a mixture similar to that of fresh pasta.

PROCEDURE: In a bowl put the 2 flours, oil, salt and enough water. Mix well and let stand half an hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of one millimeter or two and bake at 170 degrees for about 10-12 minutes (as it always depends on the oven, checking the cooking)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exotic Sewing Patterns

pie with potatoes and more:)

INGREDIENTS: Pasta brisa , 1 mozzarella cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bham, fontina cheese, fried potatoes, dried garlic (optional), salt, oil to taste
Making pasta brisa or buy a pack, spread it on a baking sheet, cover with slices of mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, fontina apart

and finally the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes and sauteed with olive oil, salt and garlic

Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes, depending on the oven to oven, however, until lightly browned pasta

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can I Exercise During An Herpes Outbreak

Zucchini sprint ...

INGREDIENT: Zucchini (the amount you do) , flour, salt oil

PROCEDURE: Clean the zucchini and cut them really thin (like potato chips), put them in a colander and salt them. Let them drain their water for about half an hour. Rinse and drain well, well, put them in a bag with flour and shake well so ke infarinino you all. Line a baking sheet and arrange in a single layer, drizzle with a little oil (ideally put it with a spray) Bake at 180 ° / 200 ° until golden brown.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Do You Use The Suspenders With Jeans

Someone writes poems with pedals

The goddess is very semplice.Quella to go directly to the place where your bike is broken, without you having to grasp a cyclist, not knowing then that death will die and how long you must wait to receive your bike.
Not to mention the cost which as you see I'm content.

On the right are the key to the price list

Phone 366 433 53 53

What Means Diverticulitis

Bologna 2008. My first Cycle Shop.

The goddess is very semplice.Quella to go directly to the place where your bike is broken, without you having to grasp a cyclist, not knowing then that death will die and how long you must wait to receive your bike.
Not to mention the cost which as you see I'm content.

On the right are the key to the price list

Phone 366 433 53 53

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mini Skirts On Big Sale

include a recipe and the other ....

Get a smile
give it to those who have not ever had.
Get a sunbeam,
foul fly where night reigns.
find a source, who lives in
ago wet mud. Get a
posala on the face of those who did not cry.
Take courage,
put it in the souls of those who can not fight. Discover
tell it to those who can not understand it. Get
and live in its light. Get
and send it to people who can not donate.
find love, and
it known to the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi -

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gta Vice City Unhandled Exception C00005


What brings us to January? Organizers still empty.
365 days.
time to fill in the best way.
One thing is certain.
This is the time of year when everything is new

spend much time thinking about your past?
probably even more than you might imagine.
Even when we think of our future, we tend to project an 'image based on what has already happened in the past.
I wonder that very often such situations are repeat?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Belikin Beer In The U S A

KIMCHI ... Chili con carne

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made of fermented vegetables with spices, has cleansing properties thanks to the presence of fibers and lactic acid that helps the intestinal transit and promote wellness, antioxidants and vitamins A, B and C. It helps digestion and is perhaps also help in preventing various cancers.
You can use it and adding fried strips of chicken ... fry everything and salt to taste, I have also done with primosale cubes, browns and kimchi jump in quantity at will, when browned, add the cheese and continue cooking a few minutes ... here's the recipe

INGREDIENTS: 3 cups shredded Chinese cabbage or savoy cabbage 2 tablespoons salt, 4 spring onions, chopped 1 tablespoon red pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger, water as needed

PROCEDURE: Place the chopped cabbage in marinate with salt for 30 minutes. Then rinse and add to all the other chopped ingredients. Put the mixture in a pot, add water to cover everything. Close with a lid and place in refrigerator to marinate for a week. Serve jumping with meat, chicken, fish or rice ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mole Hurting When I Touch It

by Nigella ...

INGREDIENTS: 4 tablespoons oil, 1 onion, 1 pepper, 1 clove of garlic, 2 teaspoons pepper, 2 teaspoons cumin 2 teaspoons coriander 3 / 4 cardamom pods, 400g of minced meat, 2 / 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, half a box of tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of ketchup, 1 teaspoon cocoa, 1 can of red beans, water, salt, rice thai boiled or tortillas.

PROCEDURE: Sauté onion, garlic and pepper into chunks, then add the spices and meat. Sauté and stir until the meat is well crumble. Then add all other ingredients: tomato, ketchup, concentrated, cocoa, beans, salt, water. Put the lid on the pan, reduce heat and simmer for an hour and a quarter, until everything is creamy. served with boiled Thai rice or tortillas.

Gay Crusing Techniques

The idea is very simple.

my bicycles and my company.

to go directly about where your bike is broken, without you having to grasp a cyclist, not knowing then that death will die and how long you must wait to receive your bike.
Not to mention the cost which as you see I'm content.

On the right are the key to the price list

Phone 366 433 53 53

"The Cycling has no drawers. The dreams will directly support the pedals "

Video Done in Bologna 2008